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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom (late); Anthony Costello; Michael Scott; Leonard Anderson

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith

Others: Paul McManus - EcoTec; Cleland Blair Jr. - Blair Enterprises; Dan Hazen - New England Environ. Design; Dan Leahy - CB Blair Development; Sherry Blouin; Kevin Quinn - Quinn Engineering; Jonathon Finkelstein - Atty. for Louis Montzoures.

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

N.O.I. Courtney Dr. - Cle Blair Jr. was present. He proposed putting $3,000.00 in an account with the Town of Holden and name of the future buyer of this lot. He also stated that he would put language in the deed that the Town of Holden has lien rights if the maintenance of the detention pond is not done and the Town has to incur the cost of the work being done. The Board would like a yearly O.M. report sent to the Town on this detention pond. The Board also suggested that the Town have control of the maintenance funds, as there would be no control if the homeowner had the ability to use the funds. The Board asked Mr. Blair to come up with an estimated cost for the maintenance of cleaning out the basin. They also want to know the size of the basin. R. Lowell asked that some sort of permanent marker be put in the basin that will mark when maintenance needs to be done. This was continued to March 1st 2006.

N.O.I. 506 Reservoir St. Lot 2 - Dan Hazen was present. He submitted stamped plans to the Board. The Board looked at the water calculations and agrees with them. R. Lowell moved to close the hearing and L. Anderson seconded. The vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining and K.Strom not present.

N.O.I. 117 Wachusett St. - Cle Blair Jr. and Dan Leahy were present. Plans were submitted at the meeting showing the Conservation Restriction on the lot. A. Costello wants a "thickening" of the plantings and a rim to help protect the slope. Cle Blair Jr. asked to make a donation to the Conservation Commission in lieu of the fine. The Board agreed to that and asked him to submit a letter stating his intention. He did so. A. Costello moved to close the hearing and R. Lowell seconded. The vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining.

Violation Alden Woods Sewer Easement - Cle Blair Jr. and Dan Leahy were present. Dan stated that they have put a 6" layer of wood chips on all exposed slopes. They have installed velocity check dams and flock logs in the drainage ditch. Larger stones have been placed near the large drop inlet. They are proposing to put in a detention pond where the drainage is currently being directed. Dan Nason and DCR visited the site and recommended the following for the site. 1. Create low points in the stone check dam to prevent overflow going into the roadway. 2. Put the flock logs in the swail where the moving water is. 3. The use of the crystal material that comes with the flock logs making them more productive. 4. Water should be directed into the catch basins. 5. A full set of hydraulic calculations and evaluation of the impact to the wetlands. This case was continued to the March 1st meeting.

N.O.I. Wachusett Woods - Paul McManus, Jonathon Finkelstein and Kevin Quinn were present. This subdivision is proposed for the old Holden Sand and Gravel site located between Wachusett and Highland Streets. There are two wetland systems on the site. The streams are classified intermittent. The applicant has filed with DCR and has a determination pending. They have received a no adverse impact statement from Natural Heritage. They are proposing a deep sump catch basin and water quality swail. Haybales and silt fencing are also proposed for the entrance near the detention basin. Most of the drainage for the site runs parallel to most of the wetlands. They will have diversion swails to catch any run off and empty it into a temporary sedimentation pond. M. Kennedy had several concerns after reviewing this case. 1. He felt that the calcs used for the 1" basin are understated and asked the applicant to go over the calculations again. 2. There are steep slopes on the road. 3. He wants to see more recharge on the plans whether they are dry wells or other means. 4. What is the depth to ground water on the test borings. 5. Possibly use a wick system in the detention basin. 6. More detail on the sedimentation erosion control is needed. Abutters have concerns about runoff. This case was continued to March 1st.

Violation 1800 Main St. - Pam Harding received a N.O.I. filing from the applicant today and they will be on next month's agenda.

C.O.C. Quinapoxet Woods - This is continued to next month.

Minutes - R. Lowell moved to accept the minutes of January 4, 2006 and M. Scott seconded. The vote was unanimous with L. Anderson recusing himself.

Orders Of Conditions

Lot 2 Reservoir St. - N. Rocheleau moved to issue a standard OOC and R. Lowell seconded. The vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining.

117 Wachusett St. - A. Costello moved to issue a standard OOC with 5 special conditions. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining. Special Conditions: 1. The plan shall be revised along the south side so the grading will direct water away from the steep slopes. 2. A Conservation Restriction shall be provided as depicted on the revised plan and attached to the Deed in perpetuity. 3. The Conservation Restriction area shall have no grading or cutting without the prior approval from the Conservation Commission. 4. The Order of Conditions and Conservation Restriction must be referenced in the Deed. 5. No Occupancy Permit will be issued until proof of recording for all documents is provided and approved by the Conservation Commission or its agent.

Other Business

Nancy and Anthony were walking in the woods behind the area of 800 Main St. and could smell petroleum. P. Harding will contact DEP.

Nancy inquired about any previous violations / concerns regarding the old Holden Sand and Gravel site.

P. Harding commented that the Forest Management Plan would be done in approximately 3 weeks.

N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing at 9:0 p.m. and M. Kennedy seconded. The vote was unanimous.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2006.